Week 6, Evolving out stimulus
In this weeks task, we started off the lesson by reviewing the small gestural motifs that we created last week, which accompanied us to continue the process of generating formations. While we were deciding the new formations, my group drew small images to assist us in understanding where everyone was placed. Alongside our drawings, we also thought about choreographic devices that we could include such as; unison, retrograde, cannon and embellishment to enhance the quality of our performance.
Once we had agreed on the formations, we went through everyone's individual phrase and elected transitional movements to conclude our small choreographic piece. Furthermore, we wanted the transitions to resemble a clear relationship towards our stimulus of a mental asylum. Because we were confident with our choreography, we decided to go through the dynamics and timings of the phrases. To elucidate this matter, we went through each section meticulously until the counts were distinguished. I found counting the phrases challenging due to the multitudinous amount of choreographic devices, along with the different timings people began and ended their movement.
When we were content with our choreography, we used the rest of the lesson to research into some music that will help bring our choreography to life. We have 3 pieces of music so far, the first being 'The Chase' from the Stoneheart Asylum soundtrack that we are going to use for our entrance as it has an air of melancholy. Our next piece is 'Prodigy' by Nathan Lanier which has many ominous and menacing undertones. Our final piece was 'Tonight you belong to me' by the Lennon Sisters. I was most drawn to this one due to the vocals in as it suddenly created an ominous atmosphere. Furthermore, it links back well to our stimulus as Beulah Jones, (a woman who we have been inspired by), was referred to The Pilgrim Psychiatric centre as she started to hear voices. As a group, we had the idea of miming along to the words in the song, whilst looking agitated.At the end of the lesson, we performed our choreography and got given some feedback which will help us develop our ideas further. Many people said that they enjoyed the sharp, strong movements, while others were captivated by our formations which are seen in the photo above. Nathan mentioned that my facial expression were engaging and that he could see the story behind by performance. On the contrary, we need to work on some transitional movements and clarifying our space.
Youtube link to our choreography: